Home of Hope

Empowerment Centre
In 2012 we established the HOME OF HOPE empowerment Centre in two rural areas of Eastern Nigeria for widows, orphans and single parents . This initiative includes the realization of community centres for small business development, community health centres, food banks, schools, bakery, agricultural projects, animal husbandry and training centres.
Many widows & single mothers have experienced serious challenges to survive & support their children due to unexpected hardship. There are situations where children have lost one or both parents & are unable to afford to go to school. We are in partnership with some nursery/elementary schools ( Rainbow group of schools) and we already have 13 sponsored children.
Presently 16 young widows have been established in businesses and we have an ongoing food bank for widows unable to work.
Please consider partnering with us in SPONSORSHIP to empower these women to become more self-sufficient & maximize the potential of these children giving them a better future.
A one-time donation of $100 will make it possible for a widow or single mother to begin her own business.
A $50/month donation will make it possible for a child to attend school
(including tuition, uniform, shoes, school supplies and feeding)
Two properties have been donated for the building of the empowerment centers.
Your kind donations towards it and the Food Banks will be gratefully accepted. All donations will be receipted.
Recent Reports
From 2016 to 2018, in partnership with CMM world mission North Carolina, we have been able to build:
two water wells in Nigeria,two water wells in Uganda, Water flush-able toilets in an Orphanage at Uganda.
Two-day Medical outreach in Lugazi and Kinoni to the widows, orphans and many less privileged
Provision of food for widows, orphans and needy families. (Lugazi and Kinoni)
BUILT TWO WATER WELLS: In Lugazi and Kinoni village.
WATER FLUSHABLE TOILET: New water toilet for the orphan school at Kinoni Village
Sponsorship of orphans
Medical outreach in Kigali
On going bi-monthly medical outreach for widows at Home of Hope Umuahia
On going Food bank for widows at Home of Hope, Old Umuahia and Umuabi Udi

Feeding the Needy Kids Oct 2020